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The world of Winzul
Dive into the world of Winzul. The main game can be expanded with up to two expansions.
Who is actually behind the Arsonists publishing house ?
A small team of graphic designers - Arsonists in the heart of Munich - enabled the highest precision and shortest paths to develop a perfect product. From the idea to the game design, all games & book products were polished in-house.
Game development on Winzul
"In the first basic idea, we only drew the game on a sheet of paper. The coordination of the size of the playing field and its fields became clear very quickly. The biggest challenge was the combination of the game's functions. In the beginning we had planned much more functions and features, but after several test runs we realised that the game was getting too complex. After this realisation, we were able to reduce the game to its core and start fine-tuning it. A smooth gameplay was possible from the beginning and the function of the game was optimised more and more. With countless playtests with samples made, we were able to set up a solid game concept to make the journey through the vegitation of the jungle exciting."
Game design by Winzul
"Away from the norm of designed games, we wanted to create a board game with a retro touch. A striking and symbolic design was very important to us in order to create a clear game experience. The easier the symbols and functions are to recognise, the more you can concentrate on the game itself. The developed characters as stereotypes of a group stranded on the island was much bigger in the beginning and we reduced them to the most coherent 8 game characters. It was also important to us to make the opponents appropriate and symbolic. We worked out events later with the same concept. We filled the playing field itself with tens of thousands of plants and trees. In addition, there are several highlights on the way to the temple in the centre of the playing field. There are also several levels of vegetation from the beach to the mountains.
Günter Götzer - Designer and idea developer
"In addition to the design, a high-quality production was important to us. Cleanly processed material and clear colours should give the game the final touch. The game was produced in Europe. Clean die-cutting, perfect cards and game pieces in a beautiful packaging are the result."